EarDio is focusing on the listening experience for music lovers everywhere, collecting the products to make people like you a pleasurable listening experience. Listening to music the first close contact with your ears are headphones, headphones can be the most "close" product of your ear. To make your ear enjoy total audio we are continuously searching and collecting products that can produce a good sound, because we believe that a good sound is most important factor to define quality of a headphone. We want you to experience sound that completely satisfy you, that is the meaning behind our name, EarDio’s inspiration exactly comes from the word "ear" and "audio".

EarDio has been shipping to customers across the country for the past 15 years. We built our business and reputation by maintaining good business ethics. We always believe the acoustic performance of a headphone is the best things for human ears and offer ridiculous lower price to fit your budget, which you can't find elsewhere. Once you’ve experienced EarDio, you will love to shop with us.

We thank all of our customers for having faith in purchasing from us for their first time. We hope you find our brand name merchandise offerings interesting and enticing.

Thank you for visiting EARDIO.COM (U of I Campus Town at Urbana, IL 61801)

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