Sony MDR-E808+ Stereo Classic Earbuds...

Date Added: 05/14/2018 by theprovider*mrruiz

Wow these earphones really do sound GOOD! ? - So, I was a little hesitant about buying these earphones but I recently bought a brand new Zune 30GB and wanted to get some better earphones then the ones that came with it and found these. I am very impressed with its sound quality and for the price they are indeed awesome. I would definitely buy another pair just to have as a spare, in other notes I also wanted to specifically find a Zune branded products that were new and came across these earphones. I read the reviews and went ahead and bought them and those reviews are 100% they sound great. There are other earphones you can get slightly cheaper that sound just as good but if you want a Zune branded earphones then look no further. If you want something even more premium and are willing to pay for it you can get the Klipsch XR8i Hybrid earphones that have an independent mini subwoofer and tweeter built in. Those sound twice as good as the Zune ear buds but cause 10× the price so keep that in mind.